Eating Local

Eating Local

Eating local puts us in the present. 

We live in a time when we can get nearly anything very easily. Strawberries are available all year round at the grocery store. Green beans too. Eggplant too. Tomatoes, yep. But on the farm, there’s a week or month or season for it all. We’ve learned through farming that sometimes the biggest gift of growing food is the anticipation it brings. We feel joy when we spot the first cucumber. We are thrilled to see the deep blue hue of blueberries ripening. Planting our tomatoes is fun because we are eager for their flavor again. For the most part we choose to eat these things when they are in season.

Shopping in season and supporting local farms can give you that same sense of anticipation, joy, and reward. A blueberry becomes reason to celebrate. What will you find when you shop at market or open your CSA box this week? Beets? Turnips? Green onions?! We invite you to dive into a partnership with local farms knowing and celebrating that what we’ll offer will be different week to week, month to month. Knowing that now is the time to love the strawberries, to roast the beets, or to drizzle thyme-basil dressing over the fresh baby asian greens, because next week they may be gone. And then we’ll wait again for the celebration.

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