Visiting a producer-only tailgate market means that you’ll be able to buy nutrient dense, fresh produce from Ivy Creek while you also stock up on fresh meats, local eggs, and delicious baked goods. Ivy Creek Family Farm sets up a booth of produce and flowers at the:
North Asheville Tailgate Market on Saturday mornings from 8am-noon.
Weaverville Tailgate Market on Wednesdays from 2-6pm.
Farm Stand
Ivy Creek stocks a small farm stand with a refrigerator to be able to sell produce to the community seven days a week. The vegetables vary depending on what’s in season. Come by and purchase Ivy Creek vegetables and fruits anytime! It’s a self-serve honor system.
Ivy Creek offers traditional box CSA memberships. Becoming a CSA member symbolizes a commitment to the farm that has a lasting impact. By signing up and paying for the CSA share in advance, CSA members enable the farm to purchase seeds and supplies and start-up labor for each new season. Sign up today. (link or button here)
Membership Options
Summer box share members receive a box of Ivy Creek’s Best produce for 16-17 weeks during the summer, from May to August.The cost is $550 and pick up locations include North Asheville Tailgate Market, Weaverville Tailgate Market, the farm, and UNCA. One whole CSA farm share is suitable for two vegetable enthusiasts or a family of two adults and two children. If you are concerned a share is too much for you, we encourage you to split a share with a neighbor.
Pick up and Shopping Locations
Wednesday, Weaverville Market Hours: 2:30-6:00pm
Saturday, North Asheville Market: UNCA Campus Hours: 8:00am-12:00pm
Thursday, Farm Box Pick Up in Barnardsville Hours: 4:00pm-7:00pm
Tuesday, UNCA Sherrill Center Parking Deck Hours: 4:30-5:30pm
Get your friends signed up and we’ll deliver! We offer free delivery of 8 or more shares to a single location such as a business or a single home in a neighborhood. Contact us if you are interested in arranging a group delivery.
Sign Up
To sign up for Ivy Creek’s 2022 CSA, please fill out our 2022 Ivy Creek CSA Registration and mail us payment to 390 North Fork Rd, Barnardsville, NC 28709.
When Chef Philip Bollhoefer arrived to volunteer with us seven years ago he changed the way we farm at Ivy Creek and the way we work with chefs. Pulling carrots from the ground, he watched us grade them. “What are you doing with those baby carrots?” he wondered. And with that, Ivy Creek Family Farm began growing baby carrots for chefs. Since then we have specialized our crops to fit chef’s plates, their pallets, and their inventions.
Every tour we hold with chefs and every meeting we hold with them deepens our partnerships. At Ivy Creek, we love growing great food for great chefs. We meet with chefs annually to dream about the upcoming season and integrate their requests into our growing plan. We grow staples that they use on a daily basis, and we experiment with new vegetables, edible flowers, or specialty items they are interested in trialing. We welcome restaurant staff, both from the kitchen and the front of the house, to the farm for tours and farm experiences.
We send lists of availability and deliver to chefs twice weekly from March to December each year. Contact us anytime to request our availability lists or to schedule a meeting to explore Ivy Creek growing crops for your restaurant.